Sunday, August 29, 2010
High Scores Welcomes TRON!
August 28 High Scores
New Artwork from TJ Reddick
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Spotlight on Spanish Eyes
Hello all! We keep gaining more and more fans from the streets of Burlington coming to try their hand at competition. Our first weekend open, Sonnie Boy came through and set his score up on the board for the Spanish Eyes pin. Every day he checked to see if his name was still up...yesterday he visited to find out that Bill W came around and made Sonnie's score history with a new High Score of 93,820. Spanish Eyes is a pretty challenging pin, so we're impressed!
We've added some new names to our High Scores "Rookie Board" as well; some are re-polishing their skills that were dusty since the 80's, while others are discovering these games for the first time. Frequent visitor Anthony F. nailed his name up on Championship Baseball and continues to improve on Track and Field, while Stacey works his way up on DK Jr. Proving to be a strong player on most games, Philip had his best score yet on Donkey Kong.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
HOLY SH*T! A Kill Screen at High Scores!
Thanks to all of our visitors tonight - its super sweet to be able to raise the bar on our score board a bit!
Friday, August 13, 2010
High Scores Board Update

Here is an update of the High Scores Board! Phillip B (FIL) came and clobbered Shawn's JOUST score-today- and took Greg B's Pacman score right away from him. He took it right away. Actually, Shawn says he saw Greg get a Pac-Man score over 100,000 last week at Richie's, so there is some competition to be had there! Myesha also took the current Ms. Pac-Man score down! No one has managed to get close to the World Record on KABOOM! quite yet, but there is a day left. We have seen some newly hatched retro gamers putting some surprising scores up on our Rookie Board (with respectable qualifying scores) and we will post the scores end of week. Special Thanks to Joe, Ron, Gary, and everyone who pitched in to help us have a great week! Meg and Shawn.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Airport Lands at High Scores...and This Week's Highlights!
For our CAGDC and KLOV friends, we're featuring two contests this week. The first, alas, will bring only braggin rights. We're offering complimentary play of the paddle game KABOOM on a Darth Vader Atari 2600. The High Score will be posted at the end of the week (Sunday, 8/15).
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Richie Knucklez Invitational
I have to admit that I feel comfortable in a lot of social situations, but I found myself pretty starstruck when I looked over and spotted Robert Mruczek. Of course, we've seen the movies a bunch of times, but even more so, I've been working to try and get my Star Wars score up and was in awe of his skill. Between the youtube videos, "High Score", "Chasing Ghosts" and "King of Kong", we've seen more Mruczek flicks than Tom Cruises movies in our lifetime.
I shook off my nerves and asked if he would teach me a bit about Star Wars and show me how to play. He was super awesome; totally cool and welcome to humor someone of my (currently) marginal skill level. After we got home, I felt determined and immediately started up a game of Star Wars. I was able to break a million for the first time because I was trying out some of the tricks from today. Also awesome to see such good gamers in Richie's place, like current Donkey Kong champ Hank Chien, Donald Hayes, Steve Wagner, Mr. Do champ Jimmy Linderman, and many other awesome players.
Richie hauled out some games to the parking lot and took a shot of all his visitors this weekend, a la Life Magazine. It made for a fun day. I'm sure Richie will be posting some pictures and stuff on his site soon enough!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Daily High Scores
High Scores Board Gets a Facelift!