Here is an update of the High Scores Board! Phillip B (FIL) came and clobbered Shawn's JOUST score-today- and took Greg B's Pacman score right away from him. He took it right away. Actually, Shawn says he saw Greg get a Pac-Man score over 100,000 last week at Richie's, so there is some competition to be had there! Myesha also took the current Ms. Pac-Man score down! No one has managed to get close to the World Record on KABOOM! quite yet, but there is a day left. We have seen some newly hatched retro gamers putting some surprising scores up on our Rookie Board (with respectable qualifying scores) and we will post the scores end of week. Special Thanks to Joe, Ron, Gary, and everyone who pitched in to help us have a great week! Meg and Shawn.
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